Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm on a Boat

I'm king of the world, on a boat like Leo. If you're on the shore then you're sure not me, oh!

I've mentioned that I'm living on a boat. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. It doesn't have a motor. It's not going anywhere unless all eight of us that live on the boat start rowing. I live in the starboard side of the Barnacle, also known as Star Barn. It's the side closest to land.

This is the gap between the dock and my room. Sometimes when it's windy it gets a lot bigger. Also, I wake up when there's a lot of wind because the boat bangs into the dock.

You probably can't tell in this picture, but there's actually a lot more space in here than I had in my other room. (Pete hung that British flag up above my bed. It's actually a tea towel.)

This is the divider between starboard and port Barnacle. You can see that there are bunk rails stacked on top of it. That's because there's about a foot and a half space there. I can hear everything everyone says on the other side of the room. It sucks when you're sleeping and someone comes home late on the other side and doesn't realize anyone's there. Some people are very loud on their cell phones.

This past weekend was wonderful. I had a three day weekend and got to go to the Dry Tortugas on Sunday. I'll have more on that soon when I get pictures from Pete. Then Monday I went fishing offshore. I only caught two undersize yellowtail snappers, but collectively our boat caught 9 legal size fish, including the two mutton snappers that Christine caught (It was her first time fishing!). We ate the fish for dinner that night and it was delicious. I've been forcing myself to taste fish lately and it turns out that I like a lot of it!

I've decided that I need to get into better shape since I'm going to be in Nicole's wedding in July and she weighs like 12 pounds. It's basically impossible to diet at camp because they feed us three meals, six days a week. My plan is to run about three days a week until the water gets warmer and I can start swimming laps. Three days a week isn't much, but if I can keep it up then I'll try to do like 5 days a week.

So today I went for a run/walk. When I got back, I went to Windsurfing Beach to stretch in the shade. (Under that little wooden structure on the left of the picture)
 Well, there I am stretching when I see this fin surface about 50 feet off from where I am. It was four dolphins. They started splashing around and they kept surfacing a lot more than usual. They were doing shallow dives where their caudal fins (tail) kept flying up out of the water and splashing down. At first, I thought they were feeding and then I realized there were no fish freaking out on the surface. I was almost positive that they were mating, and then I heard that these dolphins had been at the back wall and they were so close that you could definitely confirm that they were mating. It was amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Ah i am so glad you are gonna post more regularly. I love being updated on your life. That is so cool. The Barnacle actually looks really nice. I hope it's starting to warm up for you! I'm excited about your workout plan. You already have a rocking bod so I can't imagine what it's gonna be like. Rarrrrr
