Harry Potter has finally come to a close. What will I do with my life now?! Oh, that's right. I'll just read all the books again. Repeatedly.
The movie was amazing. I obviously cried through at least half the movie. Everyone dying is just so depressing, but that's also what makes it such a good series. I mean, if it was all happy all the time like Twilight everyone would have forgotten about Harry by now. I also liked that it was shorter than the rest and they didn't drag it out just to make it a long movie. The "19 Years Later" part was stupid, but I expected that. It was just unnecessary. Plus, they did nothing to make Ginny and Hermoine look different besides change their hair. Even including this part, I feel the movie was a success.
I've moved from residential camp to the day camp that is Monday to Friday 9-5. This makes my schedule much more predictable which I already love. My biffle, Nicole Morgan, came to see me yesterday. One of the first things she said was "You weren't kidding about the no a/c." (In case anyone else was skeptical about my claims, there is definitely no a/c in the dorms. It's hot, and not in a good way.) Nicole and I went to the movies, watched the sunset and had dinner with Jennette! Jennette was down for a bachelorette party, but she snuck away to see us for a couple hours. We had a lot of fun, and if you're friends with Nicole, I'm sure you'll see pictures soon on facebook.
Thanks to Tanya and my mother, I'm now addicted to a new website: Pinterest. I don't have as much time to browse it as I would like, but you should definitely check it out. It's a great concept for a website and apparently it's the new thing. In fact, I'm sure all of you already use it, and I'm just unaware because I'm on Island Time.
Almost two weeks ago now, the coolest/scariest thing happened to me. I was supposed to be collecting algae with my class for the algae lab we were going to do the next day, but it was taking too long. We moved to a spot where I was sure I would find algae, and I got in by myself to collect while the students were on the boat with the assistant. The visibility was awful so I couldn't see much, but I kept hearing this weird, high pitched noise. I hadn't heard it before in the water, so I wasn't sure what it was and continued snorkeling around. All of a sudden I hear the students screaming my name. Of course I immediately come to the surface to see what's wrong. They all started yelling at once and pointing about 10 feet away from me. This whole time I'm moving toward the ladder because I don't know what is out there. Right when I got to the ladder, I saw a dolphin surface 5 feet away from me, swimming right toward me. It swam directly under me! Then another surfaced about 7 feet in front of me and kept swimming forward. It was totally creepy and awesome all at once. In case you don't know, dolphins are wild animals. You can't just jump in and swim with them in the ocean. Actually it's illegal, but these dolphins were swimming with me; not the other way around. I even wrote a speech in college titled Dolphins: Friend or Foe, so I know all about how sketchy these much loved mammals can be. Dolphins swimming with me in the wild though was completely epic. I will never forget it.