Monday, February 28, 2011

A Hard Days Night

This week has been super busy for me. Kelly and Craig's wedding was last weekend. It was absolutely amazing, and Kelly looked gorgeous. I had a great time. Then I had to come back to Big Pine Sunday night for work.

Tuesday I went SCUBA diving on Looe Key. The visibility certainly could have been better, but it was a great experience for my first time diving in the ocean. We saw a couple nurse sharks, lots of barracudas, yellowtails, more parrot fish than I have ever seen in my life combined, and lots of other fish including about 5 lionfish (those bitches).

The school I worked with this week arrived on Wednesday. Friday we went on two boat trips. I wish I had realized how these boat trips were going to turn out for me. The boats we teach on are kind of like pontoon boats except they have three hulls. The deck is white and flat and we actually write directly on the deck with sidewalk chalk when teaching. Friday morning we go out and I'm drawing body plans of sponges on the deck when I run out of room. I had a bucket with a rope on it so i could drop the bucket off the bow of the boat and pull it up with the string. I walk over to the edge drop the bucket in, and then slip on water and completely fall on my ass which somehow propels me even closer to the edge of the boat until my legs are dangling over the edge with my feet in the water and I'm grabbing on to a side railing for dear life. Oh, and did I mention that I was being observed by one of my bosses so they could critique my teaching skills?

Later that afternoon, we go out on another boat trip. I thought that this boat trip had to go better than the morning one. I was wrong. We stopped at a shallow shoal to snorkel and collect algae. I got in so I could snorkel with them and show them the types of things we were looking for and identify critters (we saw some horse conchs and tulip snails and a whole mess of sea urchins). I get on all my gear and I get in off the front of the bow and BAM! My right knee hits the bottom. Only it doesn't actually hit the bottom, it slams into a variegated sea urchin (these are not poisonous).
Variegated Urchin - Lytechinus variegatus - Grand Cayman
                                                              This picture is from South Florida's Reefs website

My knee is still all cut up and seems to be looking worse than it did that day. Obviously, I think, this day could not get worse. WRONG! About 10 minutes later, I pick up a sea urchin and accidentally grab onto the bearded fire worm that was hiding under it.
Bearded Fireworm - Hermodice carunculata - Bonaire
                                                           This picture is from South Florida's Reefs website too.

Yes, these are poisonous. However, I didn't feel anything so I continue swimming around relieved that I must not have grabbed like I thought. Then, we all get back on the boat and my finger starts to sting. Then it starts to feel like it's on fire. When we got back I sprayed some vinegar on it, and it only stung for a couple hours after that. All in all it was a pretty horrible day for my body.

My week did end on a positive note thanks to the Beatles. Saturday night a bunch of us went out to Boondocks to watch a cover band of the the Beatles. They were pretty much awesome and I had a lot of fun. In case any of you don't know, I am obsessed with the Beatles. I love them. And now today is starting my week vacation. Tanya and I are heading to Georgia to visit Tiffany and her new baby Lillian later tonight. I'm so excited!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

She Works Hard For Her Money

On days that I have to work, but school's aren't here and we aren't doing training, I have to do maintenance. This could be anything from cleaning boat bottoms to picking weeds or painting bunk beds. For example, I have become a professional floor stripper and waxer. Anyways, this week we have had kids at camp, but I couldn't teach because all the schools overlap with the wedding I'm going to this weekend. (Yay for Kelly and Craig!) Since I've been on maintenance by myself these past two days, I've been given odd tasks around property to do.

Yesterday, I had to rearrange the wall of the shark pond.
Part of the wall is made up of cinderblocks and rocks. The blocks are removed when it's time for the sharks to leave so that they can swim out on their own. I had to readjust the blocks and the rocks so the water could flow more easily in and out of the shark pond.

This only took about 20 minutes, so afterwards I was told that I could wade around the back wall and collect organisms since it was such a lovely day out and I already had on my water shoes. The back wall is the area to the right of the shark pond where we can go fishing. There are always lots of lobsters hiding under the rocks, so I was pretty excited to see what else I could find. This little critter was under the first rock I lifted up:


It's a sea cucumber!! They are really cool because they can change their shape and when you pick it up out of the water it goes all mushy in your hands. This little guy was short and fat when i found him, but in this picture he's longer and leaner.

I saw a bunch of lobsters and some blue crabs. I also saw some really pretty neon blue worms and some mangrove snappers. I kept finding sea anemones attached to rocks. Finally I found this beautiful purple anemone in a sandier patch so I could collect it easily without harming it:
It looked much better in real life, but I'm not a photographer so it looks more dull here. It's tentacles kept sticking to my fingers and my hand.

When I got out of the water, I looked back in the ocean and realized that Charlie Cuda had been following me around. Charlie is our resident barracuda that spents the majority of his time around camp, either by the backwall or in the harbor or the swim canal. He's nearly 5 feet long and much rounder and fatter than any normal barracuda I've ever seen.

The rest of the day was spent sweeping the marina wall and doing the lost and found laundry. It wasn't nearly as exciting as my morning, but it could have been worse.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm on a Boat

I'm king of the world, on a boat like Leo. If you're on the shore then you're sure not me, oh!

I've mentioned that I'm living on a boat. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. It doesn't have a motor. It's not going anywhere unless all eight of us that live on the boat start rowing. I live in the starboard side of the Barnacle, also known as Star Barn. It's the side closest to land.

This is the gap between the dock and my room. Sometimes when it's windy it gets a lot bigger. Also, I wake up when there's a lot of wind because the boat bangs into the dock.

You probably can't tell in this picture, but there's actually a lot more space in here than I had in my other room. (Pete hung that British flag up above my bed. It's actually a tea towel.)

This is the divider between starboard and port Barnacle. You can see that there are bunk rails stacked on top of it. That's because there's about a foot and a half space there. I can hear everything everyone says on the other side of the room. It sucks when you're sleeping and someone comes home late on the other side and doesn't realize anyone's there. Some people are very loud on their cell phones.

This past weekend was wonderful. I had a three day weekend and got to go to the Dry Tortugas on Sunday. I'll have more on that soon when I get pictures from Pete. Then Monday I went fishing offshore. I only caught two undersize yellowtail snappers, but collectively our boat caught 9 legal size fish, including the two mutton snappers that Christine caught (It was her first time fishing!). We ate the fish for dinner that night and it was delicious. I've been forcing myself to taste fish lately and it turns out that I like a lot of it!

I've decided that I need to get into better shape since I'm going to be in Nicole's wedding in July and she weighs like 12 pounds. It's basically impossible to diet at camp because they feed us three meals, six days a week. My plan is to run about three days a week until the water gets warmer and I can start swimming laps. Three days a week isn't much, but if I can keep it up then I'll try to do like 5 days a week.

So today I went for a run/walk. When I got back, I went to Windsurfing Beach to stretch in the shade. (Under that little wooden structure on the left of the picture)
 Well, there I am stretching when I see this fin surface about 50 feet off from where I am. It was four dolphins. They started splashing around and they kept surfacing a lot more than usual. They were doing shallow dives where their caudal fins (tail) kept flying up out of the water and splashing down. At first, I thought they were feeding and then I realized there were no fish freaking out on the surface. I was almost positive that they were mating, and then I heard that these dolphins had been at the back wall and they were so close that you could definitely confirm that they were mating. It was amazing.