Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Week

Here is my beautiful dorm that I'm living in. I'm the one on the upper left corner. By the way, there is no air conditioning...

And here's the inside. In case you think it probably looks small in the picture, it doesn't! That's just the size it is. Plus, you can't see it in this picture, but there is a door that looks like it would be a closet, but actually it's just a door leading into another room that will have campers staying in it.

In the picture below, you'll see my black car in front of a small building. That's my bathroom! I have to walk outside to get to my bathroom. There's a couple indoor showers and then some outside ones that can be used while wearing a bathing suit in case the inside ones are full. Did I mention I am only allowed one soapy shower a day?

And as everyone who I've talked to knows, I have to wake up and be at swim conditioning at 7:00 am. Here's the lovely canal where I swim:

It's kind of weird swimming laps and seeing fish swimming underneath you. There's also a baracuda that hangs out under the dock, but I haven't seen it yet, thankfully.
I know it's been short, but I only have limited time on the internet since we don't have it on the camp. Basically the only thing I've been doing since I've seen all of you is lifeguarding training and boating lessons. As of today I am officially a lifeguard! So let me know if you need CPR or anything, because I'm a professional.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm hoping you will all be able to follow along on the weeks when I can't talk to everyone. I'm sure interning will not be glamorous at all, but maybe I'll have a few good stories to share.